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Doxycycline malaria cost australia as much $100bn - an estimate the World Bank said it did not check "I am really concerned about the lack of information a lot these products," said Dr Mervyn King, President of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia. "All the data government has really shows that most people would benefit from malaria drugs in the future and there is no reason why people are not going to use them," he said. Dr King was head of the World Health Organisation's malaria programme from 1997 to 1999 and since 2012 director general of the Malaria Research Foundation, and has worked on the world's first high-tech malaria diagnosis lab in Kenya. Dr King said the WHO had advised against sale of these drugs except for the sickest people in need of care. "There are people that, but for their health needs, are not going to be using these products." The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC), whose responsibility it is to advise the president on all new pharmaceuticals doxycycline hyclate for hair loss coming to the market, did not respond to a request for comment. Malaria drugs are most popular in South America, Africa and Asia, but in Australia it is far cheaper than the rest of world. Dr William Young, from the University of Queensland's Malaria Research Centre — which has worked on diagnosing malaria for 40 years — told Fact Check the Australian government was "missing point". "There is something wrong here," he said. "Some of the pharmaceutical companies, and I'm only referring to Australia, are not giving the full picture on value of these drugs. "Australia is now the biggest supplier of malaria drugs in the world." "You are seeing one side [of the] story," he said. "The other side is that they are not using some of them. Malaria drug companies use high prices in low-income countries Dr Carl where can you buy azithromycin and doxycycline Osterling, a World Health Organisation adviser on infectious diseases, said it was difficult to compare the average cost of malaria drugs, Atorvastatin is generic because different countries used them differently. "You have countries like Kenya where these drugs cost $300 or less per injection, and then you have countries that go into the millions of dollars," he said. Mr Osterling said some governments tried to minimise their national health expenditure by selling drugs at as much US$7,000 per drug. He also suggested that the price of generics and lack competition on the world market made it difficult for developing nations to afford the cost of malaria drugs. "At $300, that means you might need to spend $11,000 for a treatment compared to the $1,000 or less [generic drug] manufacturers sell it for," he said. "What you're seeing is a race between rich countries and poor countries, where you do see the emergence of new generic drugs at an increasing pace."

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